Monday 17 January 2011

Music Magazine proposal

Magazine genre?
My magazine genre is going to be Indie Rock as I explained earlier in my research.

What might you call your magazine and why?
A couple of ideas I have for my music magazine are 'Strum' as it is relevant to the type of music associated with guitars. Although I researched into it and found that this title as already been used for a magazine so would maybe have to change it to 'Strumming'. Or 'Encore' which can be associated with gigs (specifically good gigs) or 'Stride' which I think has a very strong and short ring to it which I could imagine people discussing.

What fonts will be used for the masthead?
For the masthead font I would probably use one of these..

I like these because they are different and other magazines havent used these so it would also be original, I think my favourite is the Hyper 2000 as it is quirky and sort of looks like a wire.

Front cover?
My front cover will be based on and NME edition that I will buy although I think I have found a couple of favourites that will also help me to construct my magazine.

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