Monday 10 January 2011

Questionnaire on music magazines

I handed out this questionnaire to five other media students just for a small sample of audience research to find out more about the publics opinions and prefrences on music magazines, I then collected them back in and analysed the results as follows below.

Answers to...
Question 1 - Metal, R&B(III) and Indie.
      -These results would have led me to have a R&B genre magazine although I feel that my best work would be on an Indie magazine and also this was only a small sample so cannot represent everybody's preferences as I know that Indie magazines are very popular currently.

Question 2 - No (III), Yes (II) - NME, Q, Kerrang and Metal Hammer.
      -Magzines mentioned such as NME, Q and Kerrang I know are very popular and to help attract my target audience will help me to construct magazine with them to give me ideas.
      -Those who said that they dont read music magazines say the reason for this was; Too expensive and the other persons reason was that they had a preference of 'gossip magazines'.

Question 3 - £1-3 (III) and >£5 (II), not suprisingly no one would pay more than £5 for a music magazine this gives me a rough idea of what to price my magazine at to get the highest sale figures.

Question 4 - All but one participant said they would be interested in reading about upcoming new artists and bands as opposed to current well known bands. This was a successful feedback as I was planning on  featuring in my double page spread an article on a new artists.

Question 5 - Another successful feedback as all participants said they would be interested in reading reviews and seeing photos of a festival which was also another idea planned for my magazine.

Question 6 - Three questionnaires came back with no reply to this question although the two that did had some very interesting ideas for the name of my Indie magazine; 'Stix' and 'Indy' these opened my thoughts to a few other ideas.

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