Monday 6 December 2010

Music magazine analysis examples

 This first music magazine cover is a Indie magazine called 'Spin'.
Rule of thirds has been used for this magazine cover which has the majority of their heads at the top.
The main headline 'Arcade fire' is in caps which makes it stand out and also is in its own third.

There is a puff/plug at the top of the cover offering free soundtrack to this edition of SPIN.

The colours used are very subtle but match the genre of the magazine (Indie). The only bold colour is the red in the background of the masthead.

The poses of the band are positioned well to make the magazine quirky and interesting.

The second music magazine cover is a very popular rock magazine 'Kerrang'..

Rule of thirds are used very well on this cover. With a mid-shot of a band. It is very busy as it uses lots of photos and puffs making the magazine look interesting and full.

The trend of the colours uses red which is a strong colour and very powerful. Other colours used are black and white, which creates a great contrast against each other and the red also.

'Biffy Clyro' is very popular so was brilliant to be used on the front cover as it would attract a lot of the audience and is used to the fullest advantage as his name is in a big bold font.

The masthead (magazine title) 'Kerrang' had its continuous font used as it does in every edition.

The background of the photo blends in with the font ( the scratches). Biffy Clyro is in the middle and is dressed in a white hoodie so he stands out as the centre person.

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