Monday 21 March 2011

The Evaluation

Question 2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The main images in my work is of a young artist fresh to the music industry called Olivia, this immidiately represents young girls.
She is posed in the long shot with a very strong pose which gives off the vibe of a sassy, young and confident in her success look, she is also dressed to match her star quality and attitude.
This is also shown in the images of teenagers favourite artists such as Katy Perry.

Although in this edition of the magazine 'Fuse' is not the typical indie magazine considering that the main colour used is hot pink, I decided against the usual theme of Indie magazines as it matches with Olivia. Even though Olivia's music isn't Indie, a big part of her story is that she has been signed to Abbey road which would interest alot of the target audience reading this magazine. So I still believe that despite the slight alteration to usual Indie-pop magazines, it represents this music genre fans.

My music magazine also represents boys also as there are featured men in my magazine and are often very appealed by festivals of which line-up's are mentioned.

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