Monday 21 March 2011

The Evaluation

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

IPC might distribute my music magazine as..

  • It has room the this institution for an Indie-pop magazine like mine.
  • It also has other magazines that may be different but attract similar target audiences and sell successfully so I think my magazine would be very profitable for IPC.
  • IPC hasn't had an addition to its portfolio of magazines for a long time so I think they in some ways need to have another music magazine to keep them on top of the industry.
Bauer media company is the owner of magazines such as Q and Kerrang
  • These music magazines may be different to my magazine as, the music genres are completley different to my Indie-pop genre music magazine but I think that Bauer is missing this in their company and therefore will be completed and even more successful with my magazine's help.

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